Trudy has written to Nigel Youngman, the Headteacher of Whitehaven Academy, to congratulate the school on its glowing Ofsted report.
The Whitehaven Academy has been rated "Good" by inspectors, representing a dramatic and successful turnaround for the school following a challenging period.
Trudy said: "I extend my huge congratulations to everyone at Whitehaven Academy on this glowing Ofsted report.
“From where the school found itself only a few years ago, to now be thriving in a brand new building - and to have this significant improvement recognised by Ofsted - is an amazing achievement.
“The inspectors have rightly identified so much that is good about the school, including the behaviour and attitudes of the pupils and the ambition of the leadership, and all this and more has been evident each time I have had the pleasure of visiting the school.
“The success is a testament to the headteacher, staff, trust, pupils and the whole school community. I am thrilled for everyone involved.”
Whitehaven Academy's Ofsted report can be found here.